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绿色环保形象大使翻译,l绿色环保 用英语怎么说

2022-05-26 19:48:43绿色环保2

Green environmental protection (直译)
Environment friendly products (放在产品上)
Clean and healthful, friendly environmentally (干净卫生绿色环保形象大使翻译,绿色环保)

保护形象 的英语 怎么说

stay graceful
keep acting in proper manners
不过也可以这么表达: maintain one's image of..... 保持....的形象。


Why Is Our Green Global Environment Important?
Why is our environment important? We hear and read so much about protecting and saving the planet Earth. Why should we be concerned when we are also facing economic crises, wars and unending social problems as a society?
The simplest explanation about why the environment matters is that, as humans, the environment-the Earth-is our home. It is where we live, breathe, eat, raise our children, etc. Our entire life support system is dependent on the well-being of all of the species living on earth.
Food Chain

The food chain is an example of this. The sun provides light and heat for plants. The plants are consumed by animals who are in turn consumed by other animals who may in turn, be consumed by humans.

Within the overall biosphere, or ecosystem, there are smaller ecosystems like the rainforests, marine ecosystems, the desert and the tundra. When any of these systems are off kilter, it impacts the entire planet. All of the environmental problems that exist have far-reaching implications for the health of our planet and its inhabitants.
Threat of Environmental Degradation

The deterioration of the environment, often referred to as environmental degradation, threatens the earth's natural resources such as our clean water supply, fossil fuels for energy and food supply. Many of these resources are nonrenewable so when they run out we will be forced to find new alternatives.
Natural Beauty
Another reason why the environment is so important is because it is a source of natural beauty.
Earth Is Our Only Home

Why is our environment important? It is the only home we have. Many experts believe that we can reverse some of the harm the planet has suffered. The challenge is getting enough people to take drastic enough action so that we can make a difference in our lifetime.

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