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2022-07-11 12:32:38绿色环保2



捐了1000万 好像是 网上是这么说的 捐赠给世博志愿者 支持世博开展的“绿色盛会一起来”的公益活动 光明食品集团将会在上海以及其他重点城市开展 “回收奶盒、绿色循环”大型环保公益活动,光明志愿者也将配合这次活动,进行“我们都是愿志者”世博前动员活动。


I think we should limit the number of cars! Now each city the number of cars, more and more car exhaust also more and more, the tail gas can do a lot of pollution, it is more terrible to also can destroy the atmosphere, global warming. This will be terrible disaster. In addition to these pollution, but also can cause a lot of noise. If car Numbers less and less, so as to avoid these pollution, but also can reduce traffic congestion, people travel to bring more convenient. Not only that, we will have more space to the park, built green. Make our home more beautiful!

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