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Ten men banded together in love can do what ten thousand separately would fail in.

以爱心聚在一起的十个人能够完成一万个分散的人做不到的事情。――Thomas Carlyle

The presence of inner manners.It is changing the form of love.the resulting from an external performance out of the most appropriate manners. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe存在着一种出自内心的礼貌。它是变换了形式的爱心。由此产生出一种外部表现出来的最适宜的礼貌。 歌德

Treat those who have the love.

善待那些具有爱心的人。 梅特灵克

There are only hungry, eat only good, likewise, only when you incompassionate mixwith, go to the blog will only be good.

只有肚子饿的时候,吃东西才有益无害,同样,只有当你有爱心的时候,去同人打交道才会有益无害。 列夫・托尔斯泰

特里萨嬷嬷 的名言:

We can't do great things,but we can do little things with great love.


贪婪 --对权力的贪婪,对金钱的贪婪,对名誉的贪婪,这是当今世界实现和平的最大障碍。”


Visitors, friends, everyone. As they say, to eat for days. I'm here today to tell you stinky tofu in Changsha. Stinky tofu in Changsha also known as stinky. Stinky tofu is different from other places. From the color, the smell, stinky tofu can be described as very fitting of the Changsha stinky three words. Dark colors, weird flavor. But do not be scared, after tasting, assuredly will make you change. Stinky tofu asks, smelly, eating the joss, some of it in droves, some people treat it as a hobby.

Dear friends, my friends, everybody is good.As the saying goes, food is.Today let me introduce the stinky tofu in changsha.The stinky tofu in changsha and called smelly dry son.Different from other parts of the stinky tofu.From color, smell, the stinky tofu in changsha is very nicely stinky tofu three words.Black color, strange taste.But don't be alarmed by these, after taste, you will let your impression is big difference.Stinky tofu smell smell, taste sweet, some people take it away, some people put it as a hobby

Dear tourists and friends, good morning! As the saying goes, people regard food as their prime want. Today I am going to introduce Changsha's stinky tofu, also known as stinky ganzi to you. Differentiating from stinky tofu of other places from color and smell, the one of Changsha fits the three words of chou dofu very much. Don't be scared by its black color and strange taste. Your impression will definitely be changed after you've tasted it. It smells stinky but tastes yummy. Though some people keep themselves away from it, others take it as an addiction.


Visitors and friends, everybody is good. As the saying goes, hunger breeds discontentment. Today I to give you introduced Changsha's stinky tofu.Changsha stinky tofu is also called mikiko. Different from the rest of the stinky tofu. From the color, smell of stinky tofu is more, Changsha is very fit stinky tofu three words. Dark colors, strange smell. But don't be these scare, tasted, willlet your impression change. Stinky tofu smell smell, taste sweet, some people to itat a distance, some people take it as a hobby.采纳,谢谢

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