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2023-05-07 12:50:19爱心家园1

1. 关于义工的节目表演英文作文

If I am lucky enough to be chosen to become a volunteer, I will do my utmost to serve the children in the remote areas.I will spare no effort to build the hope into a bridge between the children in the remote areas and the volunteers like me.In order to make it a better place for us and children, I will exhaust every effort in my power.

2. 义演活动英语作文



1.  公正合宜的道理或举动:正义。义不容辞。义无反顾。仗义直言。

2.  合乎正义或公益的:义举。义务。义愤。义演。见义勇为。

3.  情谊:义气。恩义。义重如山。

4.  意思,人对事物认识到的内容:意义。含义。释义。微言大义。

5.  指认为亲属的:义父。

6.  人工制造的(人体的部分):义齿。义肢。

7.  姓。

3. 义工晚会表演节目


1. 社区服务:志愿者可以在社区中开展各种服务活动,如为老人送餐、为孤寡老人提供陪伴、为残疾人提供辅助服务等。

2. 环保活动:志愿者可以参与各种环保活动,如垃圾分类、清理河道等,为环境保护尽一份力。

3. 公益义卖:志愿者可以组织义卖活动,将所筹集的善款用于资助贫困学生、帮助灾区人民等。

4. 健康宣传:志愿者可以开展各种健康宣传活动,如提供健康咨询、开展义诊等,帮助人们关注健康问题。

5. 文化活动:志愿者可以组织各种文化活动,如书法展、文艺汇演等,为人们提供精神享受。


4. 义工活动英语作文

Yesterday we went to Happiness Nursing House to help the old people.

When we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by the old people. First we introduced ourselves. Then we were packing Zhongzi together with the old, talking and laughing. After lunch, we performed and sang songs with them happily. Finally all the old people said goodbye to us at the gate.

At the end of the day, we were very happy because we did a good deed. I think it necessary for us teenagers to learn how to respect and take care of the others, especially, the old . It is also a tradional virtue to help the old.

5. 义工活动 英语


As a member of volunteers, I got up early because I was too excited to sleep. In the morning, we volunteers brought some flowers and fresh fruit. As we arrived at the Happiness Nursing Home, we sent them our best wishes too. How happy they were!

Then we cleaned the windows and swept the floor for them. After that, some of us performed activities for them, such as singing songs and dancing. Some of us read newspaper for them. Some of us chatted with them. When it was time for us volunteers to leave, they were grateful for our kindness.

From this meaningful activity, I found that we are supposed to care for the old and respect them. In our daily life, we should offer our seats to them on buses. And we should treat our own grandparents more kindly.

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