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2022-11-30 20:01:22扶贫行动2

1. 贫困的农民用英语怎么说


1.poor adj. 贫穷的、贫困的

Most poor people live in the area.大部分穷人居住在这个区域。

She is so poor that she can’t go to school.她是如此贫困,以致她不能上学。

Which country is the poorest in the world?哪个国家是世界上最贫穷的?

the poor 统称所有穷人

Do you think the rich should help the poor?你觉得有钱人应该帮助穷人吗?

2.poor adj. 不擅长的、不精通的

He is a poor swimmer.他不擅长游泳。

She is a poor singer.她不擅长唱歌。

be poor at (doing) sth. 不擅长(做)某事

He is poor at singing他不擅长唱歌。

3.拓展:poor adj. 糟糕的、劣质的

The product is of poor quality.这个产品劣质。

She has poor eyesight.她的视力不好。

Both her hearing and memory are poor.她的听力和记忆力都不好。


Poor kid, she’s cried for two hours.可怜的娃,她已经哭了两小时了。

The poor old man disappeared.那位可怜的老人不见了。

You poor thing. 你这可怜的家伙。


poor in….

Sugar is poor in vitamins.糖缺少维生素。

China isn’t poor in natural resources.中国不会缺少自然资源。

2. 贫困的农民用英语怎么说怎么写


摆脱贫困shake off poverty;


live in reduced circumstances;

3. 农村贫困人口的英语

Poor贫穷反义词:rich富有 可怜 反义词:lucky幸运 possible 反义词:impossible

4. 贫困的农民用英语怎么说写


然后是这句话的翻译:" Many poor children have returned to school with the help of the Hope Project."or " Many poor children have returned to school by gaining the help of the Hope Project."【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

5. 在贫困地区用英语怎么说

想申请扶贫项目,帮助贫困地区的儿童Want to apply for poverty alleviation projects, and help children in poor areas

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