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2021-11-30 01:41:46慈善赈灾2






Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very sorry to tell you that an earthquake just hit Jiangxi province. At least 10 people were killed and thousands were injured. The victims are in desperate need of aid, food, water and love. They are crying for help!

My friends, you are now sitting in this warm room and you are lucky you are in a safe position. But please imagine those people in Jiangxi. They have lost their homes, they have lost family members, and if you don’t help them, they would lose the thing that should be the last to give up in life – the hope.

You are educated to be decent, and you are taught to be helpful to others. Now it is the time for you, my dear friend, to show your love and care of these helpless people to help them rebuild their homeland, and more importantly, to help them rekindle the hope of life.

It is true that your donation may be small, but that does not matter. As long as you are willing to help, there will be people follow you. Now, you have the choice, you can be part of this program or you can be a cruel man busying in finding excuses for your selfishness. As your friend, I trust in you, you will make the right choice. Now tell me your choice and show me you choice!

Thank you!

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